
 翻譯&整理: AngelSola ( )

  [公告] 禁止Teen Top 相關不法商品製作及販售.

  這裡是T.O.P media.

  最近使用Teen Top的肖像, 名字等未經授權製作商品並販售的事情層出不窮因此來向各位說明.

  未經授權使用沒有所屬公司許可的肖像製作物品, 販售的行為是侵犯肖像權, 公開發布權的違法行為.
  雖然有時並不是拿來做商業用途獲取利潤用的而是為了共享才製作的因此不算是違法, 有這種錯誤想法的人似乎不少.
  但撇開利潤不談, 擅自使用照片, 團名等進行不被允許的藝人商品製作和販售分享等是明確違法的, 再次告知各位這點.

  大部分的歌迷也都知道這點, 所以也來向我們申告不法商品並要求停止製作, 我們也為了保護所屬藝人的肖像權, 及公開發布權找了律師事務所, 之後會對杜絕不法商品這方面努力的.

  上週有一部份的歌迷網站向歌迷販售使用自行拍攝的照片製作Photo Book, 手幅等物品, 我們已經直接用電話聯絡及e-mail 要求停止製作.
  希望不了解狀況後製作, 販售的人能夠不造成雙方損害的停止製作. 但對口頭說會終止但卻繼續強力販售已經收到數次終止要求的某一歌迷網站(將不可避免的採取法律行動.

  不法製作商品團體及個人和商家等透過小量的經銷商取得並販售的商品也將進行調查及採取法律程序, 希望各位歌迷們不要進行不法商品製作或購買.

  此外, 我們正在準備在演唱會上販售的官方商品, 詳細的表單完成的話也會透過公告告知各位.

  喜愛Teen Top的歌迷們請保護Teen Top的肖像權, 希望我們能一起攜手為創造合法並正當的歌迷文化而努力.



  [Notice] Illegal Product Related Teen Top is forbidden.

  Hello. This is TOPmedia.

  Nowadays there are many cases making products illegally by using Teen Top’s name, and portrait.

  It is illegal to violating artists’ portrait right and right of publicity by making and selling goods with artists’ portrait without permission of agency
Sometimes there are some people who think it is not illegal because they make products to share, not make profit.
  However, besides making profit, it is illegal to make and share products made with artists’ photos, name, and team name without permission.

  Many of fans are noticed about it and declare us about illegal products. So we are trying to exterminate illegal goods to protect artists’ portrait right and right of publicity.

  Last week, we requested few fan sites to stop making and selling products such as photo book, or slogan using photos taken by fans via E-mail and telephone.
  Please stop making illegal products if you were not noticed about it.
  We will inevitably take a legal action to a fan site ( where keep selling products, though promised to stop making it orally.

  We are also taking legal actions to companies, small dealers, and individuals that make illegal products. Please be careful not to buy or make illegal goods to provide suffering damage.

  In addition, we are planning to produce various kinds of official goods for concert. We will inform you later about it.

  Please protect Teen Top’s portrait right, and help us to make ideal fan culture.
  Thank you.


  [Teen Top 歌曲世界杯]
  4強首戰是 '因為不是你(Missing You)' 和 '不要噴香水(No More Perfume On You)' 的對決.
  預計會是一場激烈的勝負戰阿. 究竟優勝者會是誰呢?
  為了讓更多人參與, 也請一起 '按讚' 及 '分享' 喔~


  [Teen Top's Song World Cup]
  Round of 4 is the match between the songs which won twice!
  the first match is..
  '因為不是你(Missing You)' VS. '不要噴香水(No More Perfume On You)'

  Which song will win? Nobody knows!
  Vote your favorite song out of two songs.
  Also, please hit 'Like' and 'Share' so that more people can participate!


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